The view from our campsite on Moxie Pond in Maine |
In his last post, Guyline promised a report on the White Mountains and Maine, and by golly you're going to get one. But first, a few words on where we are today:
We are on the homestretch, friends. With 114 miles to go, all that stands between us and Katahdin is a great expanse of wood and lakes known as the 100 mile wilderness. Tomorrow we will throw six days of food and fuel over our sagging shoulders and the next time you hear from us, we will (hopefully) be done with the whole affair.
The last 300 miles or so have been hands down the most physically challenging of our trip. For northbounders, the White Mountains and southern Maine are built up over months of trail rumors and warnings from southbounders and section hikers. Nearly everyone tells hikers that the White Mountains of New Hampshire are the hardest and most beautiful section of the AT. Countless hikers have told us this is their favorite part of the trail. Not so for Bearcub and Guyline. I'm going to voice an opinion now that is a bit controversial in the AT community: I don't like the Whites. (I suppose that statement is controversial in many communities).